I Am From The Fields Of Poem by Francis Duggan

I Am From The Fields Of

I am from the fields of the silver backed crow
And of hedgehog whose only means of defense is to know
How to roll into a tight ball it's sharp quills sticking out
For dog, fox or cat who attacks it to receive a painful and a bloodied snout

I am from the fields of magpie, rook and jackdaw
And dark raven the big crow of the harsh and loud caw
And rabbit and shy hare in it's coat of brown
Who never makes it's home in the park of a town

I am from the fields of the silver tongued rill
That babbles to the river from the foot of the hill
Home of the water bird dipper and the shy brown trout
Who hides under a bank when it senses danger about

I am from the fields of the badger a creature of the night
Who sleeps in it's dark and deep sett in the hours of daylight
Where i grew to love Nature when i was a boy
And learning of her ways today i enjoy

I am from the fields of the male snipe who on a Spring night
Can be heard in a drum like roll aerial courtship display in the moonlight
Where i grew to love Nature many Seasons ago
Many years before time it did become my foe.

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