Husbands Poem by Arti Chopra


today Im going to pen
some characteristics of men'
the bane of all wives
yet so necessary in our lives,
without them life is incompete
yet with their idiosyncracies
we are replete,
they scoff at our tv serials,

and keep clutching the remote
as if it is a lifeline,
without which they cant
stay afloat,
they dont pick up clothes
and get lazier as they age,
yet wives are supposed to be ever young
and every need of their's pregauge,
they accompany us to movies
only to snore in the chair,
yet we have to delightfully social
when we accompany them to a men's lair,
they rather die than ask directions
burn litres of fuel,
yet you leave one light on
and they are ready for a duel,
they raise the house to heavens
when they are sick in bed
they like to be coddled,
medicated and fed,
but a wife when she's sick
is an inconvenience at best,
now who will accompany them
to the party or the fest?

you better be a hostess par exellence
when their pals decide to call,
but see their expression,
when you tell them you're off to a mall
we pander to their mothers
their sister and all others
but we should almost forget
our own loved ones
our sisters and our brothers,
yet we love them and care for them
and try to avoid strife,
but still there are jokes
on the nagging of a wife,
remember dear husbands
if wives were not there,
you long be an invalid
maybe bound to a chair,
you'd have smoked like a chimney,
and drank yourself to your death,
its the wife who feed and cares for you
so that you enjoy optimum health

its the wife who really loves you
and gives you support
when times are really difficult,
shes their to soften your hurt,
you admit it or not you know its so true
wives are your mainstay,
we'll shout it till we are blue

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