How To Turn Chaos Into Constructive Benefits? Poem by Ramesh T A

How To Turn Chaos Into Constructive Benefits?

War means only destruction of properties and loss of lives including natural resources;
Peace only assures safety and security to men and materials along with preservation of Nature!
Whatever be the problem and disputes between men and nations, peace talk only solve all;
Differences of religious and political ideologies are main causes for chaos needing unity!
Power games in international politics and economic competition make the world go in endless race;
Not competition and wars but cooperation and friendship are human way to solve world problems;
Only a world body can create possibilities to bring about unity by cultural activities among all;
Sharing best ideas of each ones among all nations under UNO turn attention from wars to sports!
By exchange of best ideas and cooperative efforts by cultural activities unity can be promoted;
Unity for solving common problems affecting the world can improve relations to friendship;
Developments on various fields by joint ventures bring mutual benefits to share in peace and joy;
And that way human sense will prevail everywhere to lead a better way of life by humanity!
Arms race and economic competition foster enmity brewing ideas of violence and wars;
But by cultural activities sharing of best ideas improve human grandeur towards peace and prosperity!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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