Home Poem by LaClaire mitchell nzerem


through treacherous storms you
you my love have been there, a comfort from
the frightful cold barking threats of night and
frightening were those long cold moments
and the tedium of growing
to now feel love rich and glowing, alive as the spring breath
after rain
my love you have finally brought me home to this
safe peaceful seaside
in my life, you are the spinning joy of windmills on a dutch countryside
the happiness of dancing red and yellow tulips
the center lighthouse guiding me into solistice
as waves come crashing into beach, you
are the beauty and the sail that guides me gently
into sea, my soft whispering surround- sound
as you enter the door from the reeling, turning
humming of artificial computers running dow-jones averages
where no longer wild free night-life college students
beaming with the after glow of dancing and piercing hangovers, no
now you have cast away your weekend casual sports gear
for starchy shirts and choking neckties for
once those bright adventuring eyes who took seldom chances
reflect the images of your sons and squint wrinkled in creasements where you
hope for them and pray far into the linetage of your future children as
now for us you talk of bills and expenditures, money no longer runs as free as rivers
for frivilous things like stereo speakers that blast out the next neighbors window
on fraternity row like you were all battle-of-the bands contestees,
now the higher you climb, the more corporate robot and rigid the demands and you have taken up tennis, speedos across the country on occaisional weekends & excessive wine consumption because studies from french diner drinkers show drinking daily can be an asset to heart health and when you laugh it is like a pressure cooker releasing a thunderous explosion echoing through the vaulted family room which is a treat for having heard your fire and brimstone sermon concerning turn off the lights or,
turn the heat down to 60 and use more blankets and comforters, or the boys better look out for their future so they can live better, the cost of college is so high our grandchildren won't afford it, your generation does'nt know the value of anything, you are free to do what you feel without rules or conscience or restrictions and anything goes, or, you need to help out more with bills and reciprocate or...
the bread now is 4.99 for a health food loaf since everything causes cancer,
the oversized potatoechip bag at 3.99 is full of air and only five chips are in it, 'you can't fool all the people all the time, '
so now that you have arrived and we are home,
you say we must make ends meet.

LaClaire mitchell nzerem

LaClaire mitchell nzerem

corona naval base, corona california
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