Happy Birthday Poem by Maya Reid

Happy Birthday

Wow...look at you – fifteen
It seems like we’ve been together through it all
Through the good, the bad, and the in-between
Always lending a hand to prevent one another’s fall

So now it seems that I am conscious only of you
Your spirit spreads warmth through my veins
You’ve stuck by my side through and through
Hand-in-hand as we walk life’s lanes

And today is your birthday
A day on which I shower you with praise
Because you’ve done so to me in many a way
In the past and the future, now and always

So now its my turn to thank you
For being the wonderful person that you are
For believing in me as no one else could do
And keeping me in your heart whether you’re close or far

For being my much needed lifeline
And raising me higher than I’ve ever been before
For believing that what’s yours is mine
And for giving me the courage to open the door

But, mostly, I thank you for the envelope
That embraces me as snugly as a glove
Do I love you because of all the little things? Nope
I belong to you because you keep me swimming in your love.

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