Gun Violence Poem by Lacie Hebert

Gun Violence

In a world engulfed by pain and strife,
Where echoes of gunfire cut through life.
A heart-wrenching issue, we must address,
Through a poem, I'll strive to express.

In this dark tale, where tears are shed,
Lives shattered by bullets, fears widespread.
Gun violence takes a devastating toll,
Leaving scars that linger within the soul.

A mother's sorrow, a father's despair,
Lives lost too soon, it's just not fair.
Innocent souls, with dreams unfulfilled,
Silenced forever, their voices stilled.

But hope arises amid this bleak scene,
A call for peace, where love may intervene.
Community unity, togetherness we seek,
Promoting understanding, compassion we speak.

Let's foster dialogue, empathy in our hearts,
Replacing animosity, for a fresh start.
For every gun, let there be a voice,
To choose harmony above violence by choice.

Through education, let's sow the seeds,
Dispelling hatred, fulfilling needs.
For every child, a future so bright,
Free from the horrors of a gun's cruel bite.

Let's heal our land, mend these wounds,
Striving for progress, united as a platoon.
No more shattered lives, no more pain,
Only through unity can peace sustain.

So let us rise, hand in hand,
Unite against violence, take a stand.
Together we can shape a brighter day,
Where gun violence fades, forever away.

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