Gold And Stone(Sichuan) Poem by Misha Allport

Gold And Stone(Sichuan)

Qin and Shu, the sons of spring and autumn
Are the warring states of rapacious kings
Dear Sichuan, gold and stone open a rift
Somber clouds threaten the Shu dominion

Cows bestow gold, Giants'work complete
Sovereign serpentine perfidy awaits
Promises of immortality reflect awe
A millenium past serves Lord Qin well

The python's wag forms Five Men Mountains
In their heroic fealty to the kingdom
Gold Ox Gap exalts Garantuan courage
Shu's denouement is proscribed by fate

Sanxingdui's henna masks glow and gleam
The mystery of Shu looms on the horizon

Qin e Shu, os filhos da primavera e outono
Estao estados antagonicos de reis rapaces
Querida Sichuan, ouro e rochedo abrem una greta
Nuvens lugubres ameacam dominio de Shu

Os bois dao ouro trabalho de gigantes completou
Soberana aleivosia serpetina aguarda
As promessas de imortalidade refletem pavor
O milenio passado bem serve Lord Qin

O meneio do pitao molda Montanha de Cinco Homens
Na fidelidade valente deles a monarquia
A brecha de boi dourado exalta bravura imensa
O fim de Shu esta proscrevedo pela Parcae

Mascaras bronzeadas de Sanxingdui ardem e raiam
O misterio de Shu assoma no horizonte

Misha Allport

Misha Allport

Santa Monica, California
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