'God's Cross Roads' Poem by Linda Winchell

'God's Cross Roads'

While out walking down the road one day,
I crossed a path and went astray.

It was rocky and dirty,
And I stummbled and I fell.
When I looked up and seen the sign ahead,
It read, 'This Way On Your Way To Hell.'

'I don't want to go down this road, ' I cried!
This must be a dream, I didn't want to die.

Wasn't ready I thought, to go as of yet,
The drugs were just a first for me,
I did it on a bet.

'God forgive me, I cried out! '
I am sorry for my life.
I wasn't the best of a husband,
I wasn't the best of wife.

Then a light came out from behind some trees,
I felt the presence of God, and fell down to my knees.

Getting up again, I began to walk,
I could hear Angels' calling me.
But I couldn't say a word, I couldn't talk.

Then all of a sudden, a cross roads appeared,
Had signs that read, 'Salvation, Heaven Draweth Near.'

Then another and another, pointed straight as you could see,
They were God's signs to Heaven He had put there for me.

My walk has now continued,
Continued now with thee,
Walking down God's cross roads,
The ones He helped me see.

Ency Bearis 09 August 2008

verses of inspiring thoughts nice insight...great poem... Ency Bearis

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Sandra J. 08 August 2008

absolutely love it, very inspirational.

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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