Gallows And Love Poem by Joseph S. Josephides

Gallows And Love

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Lea, this is my letter to the Governor of Cyprus*, same
with that I sent to a thief Ambassador* ninety years ago.

‘You, diabolic kleptomaniac, catastropher of History,
ironic egoist, sarcastic, sycophantic hypocrite, pause
your metallic tyranny over our authentic thesaurus.
Cyprus is a charismatic and talented Metropolis,
an anthology of democracy, a galaxy over chaos,
a microcosm of gigantic adamants, an ideal oasis.
You are pseudo Alpha and Omega of labyrinth,
a barbarian, atheistic plutocrat of pyrotechnics.
Hercules criticizes your paroxysm, cauterize you
with seismic lava, microbes, crises, typhoons.’

I know they’ll hang me; but I’ve only asked for Liberty,
my companion be the snow, mountains and ravines.
Everything is over, my soul is well prepared, I’m calm*,
happy in this most beautiful day of my life! Everyone
dies once, nevertheless our love will never die, Lea,
come near my tomb, lit a candle, don't cry for I exist,
push a handkerchief into the soil; let us hold its edges
to co-dance sirtaki, you over the soil that covers me,
me below it, with the colour of your smile in my mind.
The carnation I’ve stolen for you I bring underground;
its seed will grow, its flower will always find you above.

Onisilos’ bees will sting the robbers to fall in the sea
in a funny way, so that Aphrodite laughs at them all.

© JosephJosephides

Imaginary projection οf the letter sent in March,7,1957 by hero Evagoras Pallicarides, a week before he was hanged by the British Colonial Administrations, to his beloved girlfriend Lea Hadjiadamou-Votsiwho who already had immigrated with her family to S.Africa a bit earlier

The 44 words in the above letter of Evagoras Pallicarides (in inverted commas '') are all greek, used by all English-speaking countries.

* John Harting, Governor of Cyprus, he refused – also the Queen – to give grace to Evagoras.

** Palma di Cesnola, Consul of the USA in Larnaca (1865–1877) . He had stolen the ancient treasures of Cyprus, with which he firstly installed the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

*** Report by the Director of Hygiene Services of British Administration,11th of March,1957.

Onisillos, was the ancient king of Salamis (the major Kingdom of Cyprus) who fought for the liberty of Cyprus against Persians. When they killed him they beheaded him and exposed his head on a pole. After a while they found a swarm of bees nesting into his skull to produce their honey!

© JosephJosephides
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