Galileo's Gaze Poem by Denis Mair

Galileo's Gaze

Rating: 5.0

When Galileo first looked at the moon through a telescope
He saw circles like intersecting ripples.
Who could know that crashing rocks had made them?
By gazing at those circular outlines he discovered
The light-facing side of each circle was edged with a dark line;
Having learned to draw, Galileo knew the look of shading,
His knowing artistic eye was able to judge:
These circles had depth... they must be craters!
At such times art and rationality go journeying together;
A man's view of craters brought the moon's condition closer:
Reason needs aesthetics to gain full awareness of the moon:
That desolation exposed to outer space, never soothed by rain,
That "Palace of Vast Coldness, " never able to incubate life, [1]
And in our lives we brush shoulders
With such bleakness countless times.

Down the river of human seeing, on shoulders of past stargazers,
People mused upon the barren companion that circles our world;
Through contrast, we became aware of our planet's marvels:
We treated that bleakness as something sacred in the cosmos;
We hung it as a mirror, for lonely hearts to think of each other;
Looking up, we could cherish our human realm all the more.
When Galileo came along; we hailed him as master observer;
He brought us a reminder of something we had already felt,
Though it was wrapped in a special kind of human mystery.

Aug.2014 [2]

[1] 'Palace of Vast Coldness' was a phrase used by the Song-era poet Su Dongpo to describe the moon.
[2] Written after seeing the collection of Galileo's books in the Rare Books Section of the University of Oklahoma Library in Norman, Oklahoma.

Saturday, June 27, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: moon,nature
Thanks to Wang Hao for translating this into Chinese.伽利略的眼光伽利略第一次用望远镜观察月亮看到许多大大小小的圆圈本来无法知道那是陨星撞出来的坑但他发现这些圆圈的轮廓靠近光源的一边都带着一条黑线不靠近光源的一边是一条亮亮的弧线伽俐略刚好学过素描,知道光影法的观察方式受过艺术熏陶的眼光很快能判断出这些圆圈应该有深度,是一个个陨石坑在这个时候,理性和审美走上了一段共同的旅程看到陨石坑的人,跟月亮的真实存在拉近了距离能感受到月亮那种亘古如夜的寂寥能够对比出我们生在地球上有多幸运为什么地球几乎没有陨石坑?难道柔美的空气也成了我们的保护神?理性借助审美,对月亮的处境有所体会那种无情的曝露,那种永远没有风吹雨打的荒凉那种无法孕育生命的死寂,而我们一生跟那种死寂要擦肩而过不知多少次?这点就为月亮增添了不少神秘的色彩在人类仰首观天的长河中都会站在古代观星者的肩膀上凭着天上一颗光秃秃的特大卫星能够对比出自己家园有多么了不起其实,我们本来能够直觉到月球的荒凉并借鉴那种荒凉来热爱自己的家园甚至把荒凉解读为宇宙间一种神圣的本质让月亮成为众多寂寞心灵的一种互相挂念的镜子我们还要仰赖它的荒凉,让人间变得温暖一些后来伽利略不过是提醒了我们一下,他确定了我们本来就能意识到的事这就是人类特别神秘的地方梅丹理2014年7月15日西雅图—洛杉矶的火车上
Jane Campion 30 June 2019

The beginning of human endeavours touches us all. An interesting poem. Thank you Denis for your comments.

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Ravi Panamanna 17 January 2019

Wonderful poem with a different perception. I had never thought of the marvels of our earth from such a perception. Yes, the depth of life is revealed from such contrasts. He knows by contrast the good fortune of living on earth - very true. Thank you for sharing such beautiful ideas by penning beautiful poems like this.

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Yiyan Han 24 January 2018

Even today scientists still can't answer the questions Addressed in my short piece 'Earth Physics' And human is still in the maze...

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Bharati Nayak 17 November 2016

Knowledge is wholesome.Knowledge in one field may complement our knowledge in another field.Galileo.'s knowledge in art helped him to discover new facts about moon. A great poem, thanks for sharing.

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Daniel Brick 23 February 2016

In the novelization of 2001 an advanced alien being observes the proto-human simians ans concludes his race should accelerate their Evolution through their technology. It's because of one of the proto-humans who persistently observes the Moon - that convinces the alien these creatures have promise: one observer of one moon. Your portrait of Galileo is the promise of that proto-human realized. Galileo the scientist stands on the shoulders of many proto-scientists. It's wonderful that great genius like Galileo accomplish so much, but science in particular and culture in general is the achievement of many, many members of the human race, working in tandem, building over vast time frames, toward - what? More knowledge? More machines? Wisdom? Who can say - the enterprise is too big. Your poem celebrates a moment of glory in this on-going enterprise. Moon-watcher primeval... Moon-watcher Galileo... Moon-watcher- (?) .

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