Freedom To The People, Or Death. America's Decline. Poem by Midnight W

Freedom To The People, Or Death. America's Decline.

Can you smell the smoke? Do you even see the signs? The burning flames? No, you only look away and pretend it will go away. This world we live in is burning up, burning through resources that were created for all, not just the rich, greedy few.

Are you feeling helpless? Are you afraid to move? Will you stand up and shout out for freedom...freedom from a government that demands efficiency, but is fatter then an un-milked cow. We are weak by ourselves, but if we come together, we can lean upon one another.

Do you fear loosing it all? Americans are not comfortable without their over mortgaged homes above their heads. Americans are not content unless they are driving a more expensive piece of plastic. The funny thing is, you have already lost everything, even before you began to seek these material possessions. Now the things you desired most, actually control you.

And this is how the big man upstairs, controls the country, no...even the entire earth. Like a puppet on strings, we dance around thinking we have rights, but what rights can a puppet ever have?

Do you question what you are told? Can you find that inner strength to be bold? Even when you are standing all alone. And the rest of the world is shaking their heads at you. They shake their heads...but if you listen closely you can hear the rattle of chains wrapped around their necks.

Welcome to the New America. The land of over spending and greedy indulgences. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to fall out of love with this land that I use to love.

Is it too late to change? Does anyone even want to bring back a land filled with character? Maybe being accountable is too hard? Or maybe being accountable actually exposes what evil lies in this land, over shadowing the people.

So where do the men of integrity sit? Where do they partake in their daily meals? They are no where to be found. Look beneath the earth, their bones rot like the diseases that crawl the skin of our people lacking medical attention. They are starved, behind bars, and made examples of, and demonstrated to the public that they are the enemy.

This isn't how it was suppose to end up? The fire that consumed Rome, as the senators fumbled naked in affairs with anything that would satisfy their ungodly lust. Do you really think those fires won't consume us? So I boldly say, 'Freedom to the people, or death.' What do you say?

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