Forgot What It Feels Like Poem by Shilesha Johnson

Forgot What It Feels Like

I forgot what it feels like to be held
I forgot what it feel like to tell a secrete
Trusting no one will tell
I forgot what it feels like to be in your presence
Hating every moment away from you
Even though just for a second
I forgot what it feels like to run into your arms
To breathe with relief
Knowing no one can cause me any harm
I forgot what it feels like when two lips compress
I forgot what it feels like when somebody knows me best
I forgot what it feels like when I collapse at the end of my race
Finally looking up only seeing your face
I forgot what you look like
For I have not seen you in a while
But boy how could I ever forget
Your breath taking smile
This is why it wasn’t able to work
Because I FORGOT what it felt like to depend on MYSELF
That’s why it hurt
Because I felt like I needed and depended on YOU most
And when I was on my own
I didn’t know which way to go
You made me strong
But you also made me weak
That’s why things went wrong
When you were gone from me
I forgot what everything can become
But I could never forget
About what we USED to be
I could never forget the love I HAVE for you
Or the love you have for me

Frandy Osias-louis 25 October 2008

FoRgEtInG Is OfTeN HaRd To KeEp FrOm HaPpInInG BuH WhEn YoU HaD ThAt TrUe RiDe Or DiE LovE YoUr MeMoRiEs WiLL NEVER ALLOW YoU To FoRgEt ChErIsH YoUr MeMoRiEs Of ThAt LoVe FoR It Is WhAt WoN'T EvEr DiE.. GrEaT PoEm!

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