Forever Lost (The Wall Of History) Poem by Robert Lawrence

Forever Lost (The Wall Of History)

I’m walking in a dark alley.
Can’t even look eye to eye at my solution.
I see markings in the walls- and in my heart I know
they were there for me.
I feel bits and pieces of my past returning to me.
I stare into the wall and see my mother smiling,
holding her newborn son; me.
I see the clouds and a dreary day cover my past.
Also under the cloud moans a sad girl,
the one I was once part of.
She cries because I can never play the role of that playful boy,
her best friend, anymore.
I am now stuck without her. The wall forever glaring and mocking me. The wall of my history.
I try to touch that spot on the wall that reminds me of her.
Suddenly the sun rises and says it’s a new day;
I have to move on.
I go back to the trash and pick up a costume,
the uniform of that kid inside me.
I can feel him with me suddenly. And I embrace it,
with tears.
Never has destiny done such a terrible thing to me.
It has taken this kid and strangled him to death.
The sun clears its throat, reminding me of my destiny.
I dropp the costume. And the sun of the new day sets fire to that boy. Forever lost.

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