Flower And The Humming Bird Poem by Raymond Valadez

Flower And The Humming Bird

I love flowers. I have plucked many daisies only to tear them petal by petal to carelessly discard the stem. I am just a boy trying to become a man. I've fallen in love with a rose. But my dreams will belong to the sunflower. It's said that God is in the details. Than in the details of your creation I found my heaven. Not every flower becomes a rose. Why? Only God knows. And every hour a flower is born but not all become sunflowers.

If I die let me comeback as a humming bird so we can paint nature with love. Which one can I love more the sunflower or the rose. I suppose I can love them differently of course, both for their magnificence but to each their own. The one with its thorns symbolizes the hardship of love, its petals so fragile bringing the safety to love for its beauty but when uprooted from her soil it hastily withers. While the latter no matter how hard one might fight, resist her attractiveness, loves light reflects of her vibrant smile. Colors that make her wild in existence not conforming to nature, envied for her imposing splendor.

I am so different from all the flowers. our dreams, desires.. there seed basking in the earth, beauty racing against time fighting the elements to fufill there nature and peak to the sky..

call me one humming bird. lost in my flight the plight of a meander. destined for love with the flowers in the heavens. seconds turning to forever and forever turning into seconds.. all for the sacrifice we call LOVE..

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