First Day As A Novice Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

First Day As A Novice

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In the Convent, one more test,
As a novice, Bernadette,
Had to take, with pleasure,
Before the Mother Superior.

The rules and regulations,
The “Dos” and “Don’ts, ”
This was part of the sermon,
She heard as a first lesson.

What work she liked
And what she disliked,
This point came up thereafter,
To know her choice better.

The girl gave an answer,
Politely to the Mother,
To her every question,
Without any hesitation.

She was willing to take,
The maidservant’s work,
Such as cleaning vessels,
Washing the dining halls.

Her former class teacher,
At present her superior,
Gave her another lecture
Followed by a stricture.

“Never think of your home.
You should remain firm
In this spiritual path
Until your last breath.”

“You can leave any day,
If you don’t like to stay,
As long as you’re here,
Do work with a cheer.”

“It’s my duty, my girl,
To uplift your soul,
So, obedience is must
Coupled with interest.”

“Here, you’ve another name,
As yours, popular it became,
Because of this undue fame,
Behind your present name.”

So, she had to sacrifice
Even her name as a price.
In her Godmother’s name,
Marie Bernarde, she became.

In this second life chosen,
She started from the kitchen
As a menial servant first,
The job that suited her taste.

Sandra Fowler 02 May 2007

Bernadette's name has survived more than a century and will survive as long as the world lasts. Very touching write, Rajaram. Always your distant friend, Sandra

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Rajaram...The true measure of a good Poet is their ability to to deliver expression in a tale-telling fashion, that initiates immediate, opening line interest, takes the reader within the body of the work, and keeps them encaptured in the work until you decide they can leave.....That is what you accomplished here...Solid Work, indeed. FjR

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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