Fifty Years From Today Poem by Tushar Ray

Fifty Years From Today

If you read this poem of mine fifty years from now
Wondering if this will be helping "you"
To assess the ongoing fluxes rebuilding our humanity
Now undergoing tremendous changes
With waves of upswings in scientific-consciousness
Spreading across our global village

Starting only a few decades ago
Holistic Science of consciousness began its journey
Spreading in a geometric progression
And now becoming visible like a bonfire across!
Breaking all kinds of human barriers
Regardless of color, creed, age, sex, rich or poor

This Global village is a fluxing mass-of-consciousness
With small conservative-pockets battling such changes
Hence looming ahead the major duet-battles
To restore global harmony in few more years
Though not by any traditional battle that we are familiar
But ideological one among the same religious faiths

The Latest 17-year old activist against Islamic radicals
Youngest Nobel Laureate from Pakistan's Malala Yousafza:
Is a walking embodiment of love and compassion!
She speaks movingly on behalf of the silent majority!
Against worldwide Islamic radicalism
Oppressing women's education thru handful terrorists
Thus Malala created worldwide solidarity against terrorism

Modern Malala is like ancient Droupodi of Mahabharata
Who protested against the radicalism of Kourava
The perpetrators of immorality ruling the kingdom then
Creating a commotion leading to the war of Kurukhetra
Known as the War for the Preservation of Dharma
Directed by Lord Krishna, the prophet of Sanatana Dharma
Trusted to reinstate the Eternal Dharma on earth!

Soon religious radicalism will be uprooted by modern way
Bringing a stable harmony on planet earth, and
The current post-9/11 generation of enlightened-children
Born with open heart in growing global vision
Will propagate same ideal to the future generation citizen
So our global village will stay healthy for "you"
To live harmoniously Fifty years from now!
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Savita Tyagi 07 April 2015

Thank you for mentioning this poem in your comment. It is interesting to see how world events make our thoughts race in past and assure us of finding our ways for ever changing new problems. just like ancients found ways to transform and improve life for the betterment of all. Human spirit and collective human consciousness is the greatest tool that we have. thank you for sharing. enjoyed reading it.

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Tushar Ray

Tushar Ray

Kolkata, India
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