(fad) Fat Diets. Poem by Michael Gale

(fad) Fat Diets.

Rating: 5.0

A pound, a pound, for too much bounce...
How may I justly, do denounce?

Regret thy ways, that hath ye over eaten...
Always round and sadly beaten.

Let the fries, do settle down...
Create a waist line's, smiley frown.

Upon the scale, that lied to me...
Let me be, just let me be.

In denial, of hated weight...
When will it recede, and hesitate?

Be the pounds that never go...
Always cursed, to always show.

Diets come, and diets go...
When ever, will we, better, know?

Sugar this, and sweeten that...
I guess, I'll always, be simply, fat.

Recipes all, assorted out...
Never do they help, they only, make me shout.

I pull my hair, from Dawn till night...
An evil imaged, in mirrored fright.

Do you know that it ain't too easy? ...
To lose this weight, makes me sick, and queezy.

Did you know, that fat...
Ain't where it's at?

Shania K. Younce 16 March 2014

Keep trying. I'm trying. What I think it takes is exercising and eating right. A few tricks that have helped me is: Anything that has more than 5 grams of sugar throw out. Any type of fats in a product that has than 10 grams throw out. Anything that has more than five grams of salt get rid of. Go running every day. Go hiking. Do physical activities. A very nice poem. Bien!

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this is an awesome piece.. I enjoyed it.

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Stephen Stirk 27 May 2009

Hi Michael Give Up! ..........I did Loved the poem Steve

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Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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