We were supposed to do a job in Italy
and, full of our feeling for
ourselves (our sense of being
Poets from America) we went
He came at night to each of us asleep
And trained us in the virtues we most lacked.
Me he admonished to return his stare
Correctly, without fear.Unless I could,
The literate are ill-prepared for this
snap in the line of life:
the day turns a trick
of twisted tongues and is
There, a little right
of Ursus Major, is
the Milky Way:
a man can point it out,
Too volatile, am I?too voluble?too much a word-person?
I blame the soup:I'm a primordially
stirred person.
The gh comes from rough, the o from women's,
and the ti from unmentionables--presto:
there's the perfect English instance of
A brilliance takes up residence in flaws—
a brilliance all the unchipped faces of design
refuse. The wine collects its starlets
at a lip's fault, sunlight where the nicked
Everything obeyed our laws and
we just went on self-improving
till a window gave us pause and
there the outside world was, moving.
The horse in harness suffers;
he's not feeling up to snuff.
The feeler's sensate but the cook
pronounces lobsters tough.