Envy And Jealousy Poem by David Harris

Envy And Jealousy

Rating: 5.0

We walk paths on our own way,
while others try to force us
to walk paths with only them.
Some get ungrateful
if we only walk awhile,
and then help someone else
on their lonely mile.
They get jealous
if we do for others
what you are only expected
to do just for them.
Therefore, it goes on and on,
until one day they look around,
finding their demands
have left them without friends.

They so want to be noticed,
and they’ll do anything they can,
to try to force people
to notice them.
They wonder why
no one listens to their needs.
Wonder why people begin to turn away.
They forget about their demands
they put on others to stay,
they can only see what is good for them,
and not that others have needs to.
So they hurt those they should not,
hoping it will make them feel better.
Instead, it makes them feel worse
for their anger only forces people away.

* Sunprincess * 03 September 2015

.........a very impressive write...every word you've spoken is true ★

2 2 Reply

Blessed are the humble, indeed my friend! Wise words from a wise wordsmith... What you say here, is everso true...and how you have eexpressed it...everso fine, David! FjR

1 1 Reply
JoAnn McGrath 26 June 2007

Well put David I like it.....you handled that topic well...thanks for telling me about this one......: O)

1 1 Reply
Andrew mark Wilkinson 26 June 2007

Wise words that certain people most learn, or good friends will spurn...10

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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