Enough Poem by Brittany Sczech


Eyes open before the sun rises.
Feet carry me through the hours of light.
Mind preoccupied by the busyness of the day.
'Can't wait till the weekend' we all say.

Busy with the tasks given to us.
Hurried by the schedule we accept to follow.
Tedious attention keepers we use to make time pass.
Not realizing how we actually need it to last.

The weekend is here. Eyes open.
No commitments to make our feet carry us.
No tasks to keep our minds from wandering.
In the long hours of light the darkness in thoughts seems unending.

Motivation for the simplest of things is nonexistent.
How I wish to be complacent, ignorant, and content with the way things are.
Wanting to be oblivious to my existence and my purpose.
Can nothing divert that focus?

A good job to pay the bills.
A great family to provide support and love.
A nice home to relax and live.
A proper diet and exercise to keep you healthy.
Anything I could ever want or need, I have the freedom and capability to acquire.
But what is it I want?

Nothing ever seems to be enough to fill the void of uncertainty and unhappiness. So on weekends that I 'can't wait' for I lay purposeless and alone. Afraid to try anything, not just because I may fail... but even if I succeed...

Will I be happy?

Brittany Sczech (maiden name: Woessner)

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