End Of Hibernation Poem by Mike Smith

End Of Hibernation

Rating: 5.0

And now the time approaches
When finally after months of waiting
The season begins to weaken
It's grip worn out from its enduring hold
The days grow longer
And warmer
And soon the grass begins to green
Flowers will soon emerge
And with them will come the bugs
And the birds and critters
Weekends become marked by the perpetual sounds mowing and weed whacking
The gardeners plant
And the joggers reclaim the streets
Dogs will be walked
And baseballs thrown in the backyards
And I, will return to a lesser state of self
In mass that is
Because I've got to dump this winter belly
And prepare for the summer ahead
Hibernation has its way of packing on the pounds

Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: spring
Every year around winters end I seem to spot myself in the mirror and realize my ribs have disappeared and my arms have shrunk. On sunny March days (as today is) it gets me to thinking about getting back in shape for year ahead
Souren Mondal 03 March 2016

Mike, Kelly and I always tell each other that we are like brothers, and now I have another one in you! ! I was about 150 lbs back in November, now when I weighed myself at the beginning at February I stood proudly at 165 pounds! ! I gained 15 pounds in about four months! ! And now, I need to lose at least 10 of it.. You are my brother Mike, really my long lost twin brother: -)

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Mike Smith 03 March 2016

I think a lot of us have a way of picking up a few pounds through the winter months. But at least for me, come early spring I'm ready to shed my winter coat and enjoy the warm months with a more fit body to walk around in. Yes we are brothers Souren. And a good thing to. I've never had a friend from so far away. But I feel if we ever were to meet we might have some telling birthmark or something to that degree which could cement our suspicions. As for Kelly... Haha he would enjoy this: He is more like a strange (yet brilliant) uncle with an innate ability to relate to anyone. Even people half his years. I'm glad we are all friends

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Brian Mayo 02 March 2016

I told myself I was going to start doing sit-ups two months ago. I guess I didn't listen. As your poem progressed I suddenly found myself right smack dab in the middle of spring. You managed to do this both subtly and swiftly. And it reminded me... I have to tell myself to start taking care of my gardens this year. I've let them get terribly overgrown with weeds for three years straight. Now if I'll only listen.

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Mike Smith 03 March 2016

Yes in the spring time it's somehow easier to find motivation to do such things. Get in shape or fix up the yard etc. Cabin fever leaves us with energy in abundance. But once the warm days are expected rather than welcomed cheerfully as a commodity that motivation seems harder to come by.... If never been much a fan of pulling weeds either

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