Elegy For A Born Loser Poem by Spanner Thegob

Elegy For A Born Loser

Elegy for a born loser

he staggers from the bookies,
Gone the hope of good fortunes helping hand.
Disheveled, worn out, in life simply unlucky,
Life's bright dreams lay scattered across the land.
A life, once vibrant now an elegiac* haze,
heart burdened, carries with each stride
The love of chance, he gambled all his days,
But to him victory eluded, was slyly denied.
unluckiest one,
bad choices led you astray,
In shadows deep searching for light
As lost souls linger on, oblivious to their plight
Luckless Demons dance, and taunt with haunting whispers
little loser bound to his fate
In ruins grip he finds himself, too late,
Dreams dissolve as again the loser bell rings,
fates cruel laughter stings
His worried brow, clutched hopes remains
As shadows thaw, heartache refrains
From the memory of past last chances

*Elegiac, express sorrow for something past

Elegy  For A Born Loser
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction
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