Don'T Deny Poem by liliana villar

Don'T Deny

Don't deny the one you love
Because denying means not knowing or caring for the person who is special to you
By denying you destroy a beautiful friendship which soon turned into something more
By denying you don't just destroy a friendship but also a heart which ones danced of joy of thinking you were the one
By denying you how made your life full of sorrow
Full of regret wanting to take everything back all though you know it's too late to show her, to show her here rightful spot that she earned from the start
Which she earned by showing you how much she loved you and how she respected who you were
But you through it away like she was not even worth looking at, not even worth wasting your breathe to tell her she was just not the one you
But one thing I could assure you is that someday you will come back with your face hanging of embarrassment, begging on your knees for forgiveness
Begging for mercy, mercy that at some point you denied my now shattered heart
So turn away before I spit in your face your good for nothing mistakes
Because now you have fallen and I have arisen.

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