Doggo Poem by David Welch


Doggo sleeps and Doggo jumps,
on the floor his tail will thump,
Doggo barks and Doggo whines,
Doggo wants treats all the time,
Doggo digs in the backyard,
yelps at all the passing cars,
Doggo sits under the stairs,
I guess he feel safe in there.
Doggo sheds and Doggo pants,
pick up the leash and he will dance,
Doggo likes to take long walks,
and chase after birds that squawk.
Doggo likes a tummy rub,
but Doggo won't get in the tub,
Doggo likes to ride in cars,
when I'm gone, Doggo stands guard.
Doggo helps me pick up chicks,
but careful, his tail's like a whip,
Doggo does not like thunderstorms,
or summer when it gets too warm,
But Doggo really likes the snow,
I throw snowballs, away he goes.
Doggo sometimes flips in the air,
if I toss a frisbee up there,
Doggo is fond of playing fetch,
he won't return, but he can catch.
Doggo has a designer bed,
I spoil him, people have said,
Doggo howls with the notes
put up by the local coyotes,
Doggo is afraid of cats,
he's ten times larger! Funny that.
Doggo doesn't play the games
thought up by big human brains,
Doggo just shows loyalty,
I wish he lived as long as me…

Friday, September 20, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: animal,appreciation,dog,joy,pets,rhyme
Spock The Vegan 21 September 2019

Better than average poem here. Fun dog, fun poem.

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