Disillusionment Falls Away Poem by Jennifer Batch

Disillusionment Falls Away

Fabrication, disbelief spinning round her head
Drenching her in somber realization
Revealing mesmerized spells enchanting her
Capturing, enrapturing her mind and soul
Spinning webs of lies into fabricated truths
The looking glass doth not show but an image
Alas, an image that hath been spun with much deceit
Hence, when shattered into pieces falling about like snow
Cold bitter reality doth reveal abounding truth

Shards of mirrored bits falling down like snow
Each delivering a stinging cut drawing crimson
As if a rose lying upon the freshest sparkling snow
Each containing mystery unveiled as they penetrate her heart
Delivering a loathsome tale her eyes did not wish to see
For in an instant dreams are turned to nightmares
When the looking glass disappears returning in disarray

Let the pieces fall where they may for truth shall rule this day
At last disillusionment falls away from the looking glass
The foreground fades away leaving behind crystal clear clarity
Through the cold, through the darkness still a guiding light doth shine
Leading down a path which must be traveled
From dream into nightmare through to reality
Where abundant possibilities lay in waiting to be claimed

Jennifer Batch

Jennifer Batch

Bowling Green Ohio
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