Descend To Plains My Lord! Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Descend To Plains My Lord!

Why my Lord Siva prefers to be at hills?
He is a Handsome, Great Lingam
at Square Hills, Star Hills and Ghost Hills
in Tamil Nadu and Amarnatheeswaran
and Kedarnatheeswaran in Himalayas.
He is a sage bereft of golden chain or crown.
When the leaders of parties for the people
who breathe aloud the name of Mahatma,
live in heavenly palaces and estates,
why this Lord of this world, the Creator,
remains in abodes of jungles and high hills
without even rags of jackets, and blankets?
As the robbers, chain-snactchers, gangsters,
Kidnappers, ruthless killers of kin, smugglers,
terrorists, the corrupt officers, sand-miners,
and barons of liquor, granite and drugs
find comfortable the plains and hold sway,
my scared Lord has chosen the peaks of hills
to meditate in peace with eyes closed
as He can’t bear the gory scenes
of beheading and slitting the throat
by the brutes born to scoundrels!
He would be going mad watching
the spurned lovers spurting out acids on girls!

If the Lord Himself shivers to live
in plains, either in villages or in cities,
how will it be to leaders made
either by a stroke of luck or the partial media?
My God! The leaders swear to be single
till their last day to serve the people!
How can the single person know
the poverty -stung despairing moans
of the families squatting in breezy huts?

O my Lord! Come down to plains to save
some public servants and bureaucrats
who dare to fight the armed swines
with bare hands and brave hearts.
The parents and children of these officers
pray to you with tears and constant fears
to keep alive their sole bread-winner
from the blood-stained hands of the corrupt.
Don’t forget my Lord to keep this mad man,
who takes his cheap pen to scribble on love
but ends with vapid themes, sour and bored.

Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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