Curb Talk Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Curb Talk

(Eagles and Chickens)

The truth…
Fun and games way to start a conversation
especially when on ‘vacation'; just about anywhere
on this here "Third Rock from the Sun" … Or is it?
As of late, this would appear to be true… however
this ain't about that! Conversation; several quick
generations removed from one another, one
older by half again… but the teeth! That my
top front looked good! Like I have mentioned
a very abstract way to begin any conversation
especially at a curb' edge! Whatever! Love this term!
Soon, between this moment and the next that
‘chicken or the eagle thingy gets tossed into
the conversation's mix… and the game of
subtle smiles was on! The where are you
from, the how do you know, the what is
going on; those how do you know this to
be true? What question is next? Something
like how do both chickens and eagles fly? Just
how much more abstract can a curb side question
be? And the answer? A matter of measurement and
thus ratio! Scientific facts… both eagles and chickens do
fly! Social fact… both chickens and eagles are ‘game'!
Secondary question then… Do you eat both? Of course
not! Although you can ‘stuff' both a chicken and an eagle
you choose not to ‘eat' the eagle… but you eat the bejesus
out of those chickens! Humans being somewhat inhumane
but indeed hungry; eat what each considers wholesome…
sometimes… say seven out of ten times… maybe! And
chicken is, humankind's favorite white meat! Or is
the meat thighs, and legs, and wings? Whatever!
This is all "water under every other bridge"! However
pray tell me how to choose between a ‘dressed down'
carcass which is the male, and which is the female?
How does one tell? And what are the implications
Of, the considerations in, the questioning, probing
thought numbing blinding realizations of such curb
edge and gutter leaning cosmic happenstance as this
just is, as it occurred in a word by word play this day…
Whatever, whatever, whatever… Eagles or chickens?
Which came first? One must have, so chose one, or
have chosen the other? And I suppose, unless one
is deaf, blind, and dumb… Further on and on and
on… "What is going on"? Going on with this bird
or that bird thingy? Eagle or chicken questioned
a few extra times over… On the lighter side; what
makes the sky display a ‘colour blue'? Or, is that a
subtle hue of blue; because not all blues are of a
similar hue… true? Hue is more important as a
distinctive trait than colour? Whatever! On that
other side then and shrouded in less light, therefore
perhaps a bit foreboding is the question… In this daze
then; remembering that chicken or/and eagle thingy…
In this daze, in which of these two birds is the feminine
represented? No need to ask further… for the answer is
called out, ‘like with like'… Females say eagle, males say eagle
and the ‘other genders', say eagle… As Rodney Dangerfield so
often said… so, do all the chickens, "I get no respect"! This being
a somewhat socially universal consciousness kinda sorta maybe thingy…
Why do chickens cluck and eagles cry? A further probing questioning
FUBAR it all up once again thingy to bring into such a ‘wright' as
makes this ‘write' does not necessarily make it ‘right'! As in
wrights write rights! Maybe! Okay… Back to that Curb!
Talking, at the edge of any abyss is abysmal! Is this
not so? However; we two gentlemen of leisure
are now all smiles and having pleasure at the
morning's sun catching our faces, and neither
of us is from this particular place physically, yet
here we be; on the edge of a six-inch curb, probing
mind's thoughts, expressing such naughts and/or oughts
and having a grand ole time sharing this space, having a smoke
and specifically, smelling each other over no, not like ‘rover' does
on his daily walks! Giving you all a hint of ethnic diversity in this
community. On the corner of Hawthorne and El Segundo, in this part
of L.A. County… So on, and on, and soon… the talk leads to laughter
which leads to banter and chatter and matters more of family friend
than new acquaintance and all too soon this too passes and these
moments of wholesome quality conversation lapse… the crux
of these words, the extant of the nouns and verbs and
adjectives… with no technology 'we' two human beings should
be acting… humane! W.T.F. does this have to do with eagles and
chickens? When was the last moment you witnessed either an
eagle or a chicken, fly? Yea, not that often! Few do; so few too
yet fly with either chickens or eagles in any of the myriad of
useless thoughts entertained, within their closeted minds
at any time, morning, noon, or night… IAM correct, yes?
So, guess you then the crux of this ‘write' herein?
Thought! Thinking! Thinking while speaking!
Speaking of thinking and thoughts making
‘common sense' when spoken… No joking!
Listening to anyone speaking when they are
not thinking… Oh Yea! Reminds you of that
entertainer, Donald J. Trump! That Orange
haired incomplete thought of a human being!
One most inhumane and certainly sub-human in
his spoken thinking; in that "Broken English" ala
Maryann Faithful, leaves nothing to hope for in
anyone's behest except ‘his', and those dark
shadowy unmentionable beings pulling on and
controlling his ‘strings'! Because you each know
this to be truth… each ‘President' is both ‘bent to'
and broken in by, those individuals he is beholden too!
Even Mr. Magoo can see and understand this nuance of
all things politic! There are no tricks to any of this! There is
‘chicanery maximus', and therefore there is all the fuss about all
those D.C. curb talk impetus to take all the wealth of these yet
United States and transfer this ‘wealth' into a horde of goods
no longer available to the all of its citizenry! Funny how a
curbside conversation in L.A. County gets you from ‘front
teeth', to a substantially more profound subject in such
good order… For it is ‘Good Order' that is the questioning
thingy herein… "Good Order" is the thing this nation has
not seen; since Dwight David Eisenhower was our President!
In one way, shape, form, or another that Military-Industrial-Complex
he mentioned, has taken away the good and goods of ‘Order', and
made a motto, "Cash for Chaos Kiss our Asp", the ‘Neo-Conning-Order"
of each and every person, place, and thing that makes every decision
regarding our living conditions in this Cun-ttree of a nation! Oops!
Let that one go! Yea, IAM a bit of an observer and more… a ‘watcher'
of sorts, opening all the doors on all floors; no matter what for!
Keeping score on things from 'teeth' to any legislative works score!
You understand better now; what this work of words stands for?
More than a run-a-round, more than any throw-down; most like
those "hoe-downs" held after a season's harvesting ends… and how!
What a fine term to end this little diatribe for sure! ‘Harvest Time'
How one's memories chime! Remember those ‘long ago and far
away times'? How your teeth chattered on those cool ‘vespers eves'
and those towering spires from which was broadcast ‘that music'
how it so pleased… one's childhood… Really folks! Some digressions
off point really do tend to tease that ‘sixth sense' and shoo
happenstance in conversations some ways away from an ‘issue'
which issue; such an issue as this issue herein this issued prose!
Whatever it is that an issue leads to be; one of teeth, of eagles of
chickens of facts and fun and games and of course ‘political schist'!
So… on this daze, under a cloudy, dark and dreary SoCal sky… I write
what a wright writes on the right side of what may be leaning left
and, think tightly on what issues herein, would cause you, the reader
to squirm and then get ‘hip' to the gist while you stand precariously
on that ‘curb' which ‘life' has you on… As you discuss whatever it is
that you choose to discourse; and perhaps come to any answers
or source, about them eagles and chickens and of course… the
score on those pearly white front teeth! Do have fun with
all the things that come to you and yours on every curb
you find your self on… wherever you may walk… do talk.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
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