Could Computer Eventually Turn Out To Be Human Enemy? Poem by Sam Arjomandi

Could Computer Eventually Turn Out To Be Human Enemy?

Could computer eventually turn out to be human enemy?
In the beginning it started as one big simple calculator, but now there are so many

Little by little it is taking over the jobs human used to do
Job which needed so many people, now with help of a computer few people able to do

Employee in the banks and grocery store and etc, slowly losing their jobs to the computer
Next is going to be other jobs, when they come up with much faster computer

Computer may created and still creates some jobs, but slowly running more peoples out of their jobs
Computer works much faster, so less people needed, world population growing rapidly, these two are in Conflict when it comes to the jobs

Human may invented the computer, but it is gradually expanding its power over human life
Slowly and surely it plays very important role in all aspect of human life

Noone can under estimates how much our life got easier with help of computer
I hope I’m wrong, if I believe in the long run there will be a mass layoff, all because of powerful computers

Sam Arjomandi

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