'Corners' Poem by Linda Winchell


Rating: 2.6

Corners rounded edges smoothed
splinters all sanded down.
Stain and varnish to make it shine
The best of wood making in all the town.

Shave a tad more off the edges
Maybe an extra coat of paint or two?
Just like to keep things rounded and tidy
And have you see the best that I can do.

I am the town's only carpenter
I had learned this trade long ago.
From a man by the name of, 'Jesus'
He was the best carpenter I'd ever known.

He taught me how to shave and round
And smooth the edges off of my life.
And to place those extra touches needed
With the skill of His sharpened carpenter's knife.

To plane down the tone in my voice
To sand the rough edges off myself.
He showed me that my sin's are forgiven me
And need'nt be placed on some dusty wooden shelf.

His craft was like no other ever seen
He was skilled in every single way.
And I will practice all of His wood working taught
And pass this on to my son's this way.

But for now I must complete rounding off my corners
Taking time to handle them with gentle care.
And always know that my carpenter Jesus
Has forgiven me, of my roughness that I sometimes wear.

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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