Comporting In Royal Presence (By St. Thiruvalluvar) Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Comporting In Royal Presence (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

691. Those who live in the vicinity of the mighty kings
Must be those warming at the fire, neither far nor near.
692. The minister who covets not what the king wants
will receive abundant wealth from the king.
693. To save yourself, save you from serious crimes.
Once the king’s suspicion is roused, no one can wipe it off.
694. When you are beside the king, avoid whispers
and smiles at the face of others.
695. Neither overhear the king’s secret counsels,
Nor pry into it but listen to it when the king himself tells.
696. Knowing the king’s disposition and fitting time, suggest
What he likes in pleasing manners.
697. Tell what the king wants, and avoid useless things to tell him
At any time even if you are pressed.
698. Don’t despise the king saying, “ He’s young, my kinsman”.
Revere him for his glorious kingly state.
699. Thinking of the respect, the king gives, those with clear vision
Don’t do disagreeable things to the king.
700. Thinking of the king, ”We’re ancient friends” and doing things
Unseemly, will bring sure ruin to the minister.

Friday, October 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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