Commander-In-Chief Poem by Curtis Johnson


How does it make you feel when the one you voted for, lost?
Did the earth stop revolving; or did the sun refuse to shine?
Did your boat cease to float; or did your sails fall into the river?

I was just thinking about the times that my candidate lost, and about the time that I voted for a candidate adamantly opposed to the union that represented me and my financial well being.

Personally, I have not agreed, but the American voter for the longest time has been trained to be totally self-interested, even if that interest does not represent the common interest of the nation. There should be no question about how we got to where we are.

I was also thinking about the first presidential election in which I voted up to the most recent one. With a little research, I discovered that there have been 12 presidential elections in which I have been a participant. In those elections, I voted for 7 candidates who won and 5
candidates who lost. At no time did I ever think that the winning candidate I opposed was not my President or Commander-in Chief. I have always been sadden by that way of thinking because there is no constitutional grounds for such mentalities.*

A couple of days ago, I was taken aback when a person I greatly respect indicated that the new Commander-in-Chief was not her Commander-in-Chief, as she waved goodbye to the former president. Also, several years ago when a new president took office a dear friend of mine said, 'He's not my president. I did not vote for him.' I said in response, 'Neither did I vote for him, but he is now OUR new president'. I could be mistaken, but my understanding of the American way is that we are free to oppose and disagree, but when the majority wins, we do our best
to unite as one.

*Constitution; Article 11, Section 2, #1.

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