Cold Poem by Bragg Adocio


Rating: 2.9


I woke up this morning wrapped snugly in two blankets with the heater blaring. 
'why do I feel so cold? '
Grab the mattress, wrap me tighter, hold me down and share body heat with a pyroclastic memory of a fading wish and a dying sun.
Inner temperature falling at a feverish rate. Danger screaming in my head, but I'm stuck, frozen solid in my cocoon of brown floral design, waiting for the winter's end.
Touch my cheeks,
'so warm, then, why.....? '
Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel so cold? Check the thermostat on the heater; 72 and rising. 
'room temperature, warmer than the winter air outside my window. Than, why....? '
My toes are froZen, I feel faint, put a thermometer under my tongue, count to twenty........
Above average. No cough, no fever, my room is hot my covers are thick and my windows are closed, so tell me, why! ?
Why do I feel so cold?
Winter air must have froZen my soul, chicken soup won't help. My mind is playing tricks on me, but April comes in spring so he must be getting a jump on things. I slip on some extra socks and bundle up again, wishing I had that memory that gave me so much warmth. I like the cold, but I don't like this! This is torture, this is hell freeZing over, this is frostbite kissed by wind chill. I hate this!  
This irony, this feeling of letting my vulnerable self sit out too long in the elements.
Here, come back now, go back to where it's warm inside, just under 100degrees. Just because I like the cold, that doesn't mean that I want to freeze. 

Black Bird 12 February 2010

Hmmm cold. I can't help but wonder why you are cold, i'd ask but i don't think you know either, I liked the 'frostbite kissed by wind chill'

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