Choice Is Everything Poem by Friday Dejavu

Choice Is Everything

I have decided to decide,
To see what they are not seeing,
This world can't see what's behind the wall.

I have chosen to choose,
To listen to what is worth listening,
To keep moving I must make a move.

I can hear what angels are hearing,
To be happy is to make others happy,
Only the poor chooses to be poor.

To focus on what I should focus,
Is to stand where others are scared of standing,
To make a difference I must be different.

Choice Is Everything
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: wisdom
Osazee Dankaro 19 May 2015

Hi Prince, the first lines of the first and second stanzas or your poem are really catching. However, I believe you lost it thereafter. The third lines of the first two stanzas are completely not in line with your original train of thought. Then in the third and fourth stanzas, there was no direction to your poem. For example, you may need to consider the connection between what angels are hearing, making others happy and the poor. The last line of that stanza about the poor choosing to be poor is also in bad taste. If only you have experienced poverty, I believe you would not write that line. If what you meant is that poverty is a state of mind, then you may need to rephrase. The last line also is directionless. Poetry can be motivational, but its not all about writing out the motivational speeches. No offense, but I think you need to review and further work on this.

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