Chinese, Danish, And Perhaps Smithfield Pig Flesh Contain Superbug Antibiotic Resistant Poem by Saiom Shriver

Chinese, Danish, And Perhaps Smithfield Pig Flesh Contain Superbug Antibiotic Resistant

Pig butchers
murder pigs into pork.
Murder weapons include
stunguns, bullets
knives and forks.

Chinese, Danish, And Perhaps Smithfield Pig Flesh Contain Superbug Antibiotic Resistant
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: disease,health,media
Chinese, Danish, and Possibly Smithfield's Superbug MCR-1 Resists All Antibiotics And Is Related To Pig Flesh

China and Denmark have in common that pig flesh is their dominant 'food' industry A new superbug, MCR-1, with unprecedented resistance to all antibiotics,
is present in both countries. China kills 450 million a year. Because China has bought the world's largest pig killing corporation, Smithfield, whose operations are in the US, Mexico, the UK, Romania, Poland and elsewhere, it is possible that MCR-1 is in Smithfield products as well.

Danish Pig Flesh Industry
http: //…/Danish_pig_meat_industry…

Colistin, Kidney Harming Antibiotic, Used in China
http: //…/bacteria-resistant-to-last-resort-an…/

Guests on Tom Ashbrook's On Point of WBUR reported the audience should be aware that animal flesh is the main cause of antibiotic resistance, and that physically touching meat should be avoided.

ABC Disney advertising Smithfield
ABC Disney has a client relationship with Smithfield which advertises on Good Morning America. Perhaps that is why ABC has not sufficiently covered the story. Disney's former CEO Michael Eisner
After a medical condition became a vegetarian and had a vegan chef.

Carnegie Mellon's Paul Fischbeck has published a corrupt and fallacious study alleging that lettuce is more harmful than carcinogenic bacon from murdered pigs..

Under the guise of Islamophobia, the pig killing industry has been flooding the internet with memes (pictures with text superimposed) on the internet which promote pig flesh.

Antibiotic use in the US and China
The unregulated use of 33 million pounds of antibiotics
given to slaughter bound animals yearly in the US is part of
the problem. China gives literally tons of dangerous antibiotics
to its captive pigs. Animal flesh and animal products pass on
the resistance the slaughtered or captive animals have
developed. Tom Ashbrook's On Point reported that the new
superbug MCR-1 should be around the world within 3 to 5 years.

The pig kililng industry, perhaps Smithfield
included, is flooding the internet with
bacon promotion memes.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. addresses Polish Senate on Smithfield pollution
https: // v=lkgxHCvtfbc

Swine flu epidemic and its relationship to Smithfield in Mexico and elsewhere
http: //

Smithfield pig waste lagoons have caused pfiesteria and its neurotoxins in the Chesapeake
https: // v=jpdSy8nKpog

Carnegie Mellon has published a corrupt study
indicating that lettuce is more harmful
than carcinogenic bacon.

Pig flesh in general and all red meat, reported the World Health
Organization belatedly, cause cancer. Pig flesh like all mammal
flesh is correlated to heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, embolisms,
ecoli (colon bacteria) and other food poisonings, trichinosis,
arthritis, kidney disease, etc.

Picture of man in front of Smithfield slaughterhouse truck is of Dr Alex Hershaft who was seized by the Nazis during the invasion of the Warsaw Ghetto and who was involved in a rather risky sitin.

Program of On Point of WBUR Tom Ashbrook discusses the crisis. Listen Online

http: //…/16/superbug-antibiotics-global-ri…
http: //…/
CBS on Superbug
http: //…/antibiotic-resistance-colistin-1.3325942
http: //
Pigs Suffer In Factory Farms
http: //…/pigs-intelligent-animals-suffering-f…/

Picture sources
https: //…/pastured-organically-fed-pork/
http: //…/12/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr-Headshot.jpg
http: //
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