Caresses Poem by Michael Eziudo


I am tired of having the dawn dawning on me alone
When I'd look out in the morning stroll
Having the cool breeze of the morning caress my skin
It feels like it's your soft hands and side by side we walk like it's a beautiful ball
When God I beseech to step his legs along with mine
I see him take my hand in his but with a mocking look
That look that tells He too is asking which way you took

He had given us to each other a joining made in heaven
But time and chance in our world act on everything
And so he wonders
Where had I been getting the breaths I needed for life
He knows without you I'd be incomplete in these battles
He wonders why I left you too alone in the world that pierces like sharp knife
And how you too breathe when we are the air we both need
And yet are far apart

I tell Him
I report you to him
I say I can't take it anymore
That the images made by your pictures in my head
Are too pleasant them everyday I adore
Your elegance and your gaiety all sing melodiously in my head
Your shape and figures -
Those endowments leave me daydreaming
What every man desires and can die for are my blessing
I pray I don't run crazy having them the rest of my life

of a truth I'm tired of cuddling the pillows at night
I want to cuddle you like my life depends on it
Have you lie next to me all night like you're the source of sleep and good rest and health
And feel and hear your breath
Perceive the pleasant smell of your soft hair
And turn you around gently in your sleep
And kiss your lip
It really is time He said, I said and you too said
That the two become one here as it is in heaven. Amen.

Saturday, April 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Michael Eziudo

Michael Eziudo

Benin City, Nigeria
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