Can The River Stop Flowing Towards The Sea? Poem by Norah Tunney

Can The River Stop Flowing Towards The Sea?

Rating: 2.8

Can the river stop flowing towards the sea?

Can what's destined to be
not be?
can the river stop flowing
towards the sea?
Can a leaf stop falling
to the ground?
Can silence be separate
from sound?
Can the eyes of a lover veil
the light within his Sun
lover and beloved
longing to be One,
lover and beloved
never more than One.

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Subhas Chandra Chakra 04 April 2016

A quite nice poem on the inevitable and the inseparables. Nice try indeed.I love it. Subhas

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Norah Tunney 04 April 2016

It feels like it is all part of a divine flow A divine play Life is but a stage and we are but the actors

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Dutendra Chamling 03 April 2016

Wow! Marvellous poem with new thought. Thumbs up! Norah Tumney! Thumbs up! !

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Norah Tunney 03 April 2016

Thank you Dutendra

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Dr Antony Theodore 19 March 2016

Can what's destined to be not be Very nice and philosophic poem. but there is a point for the thinking of the philosophers namely such thinking can make the reader fall into FATALISM: : : : : i am a firm believer that we can change the course of our lives........ we are not slaves of a destiny. naturally only with the help of God.... tony

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