Can Mexicans Be Illegal Americans In The U.S. And Less American Than Apple Pie? Poem by Ripuree Rip

Can Mexicans Be Illegal Americans In The U.S. And Less American Than Apple Pie?

Dear President Biden
Your intervention I expediently seek,
To correct the problem of who is, or isn't American
And thereby abolish the appropriation of continental illegitimacy To the majority of legitimate continental American
Some of whom are clearly undocumented in the U.S.
And therefore illegal citizens to the country of the U.S.
But cannot be illegal Americans in a sister American country
Which is included in the total continental count.

The land mass of the world is divided into seven continents
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, plus America North and South
All of the people born in any of the countries, that make up a specific continent
Are automatically considered legal citizens of that continent
Which make a Chinese and Japanese equal Asians
An Englishman and German equal Europeans
A Ghanaian and Egyptian equal Africans
Except for Australia which is a country as well as a continent
And which is divided into States and Territories
So that Tasmania and Victoria are just States in the one
country and continent of Australia.

There are 23 countries in North America, including Mexico,
Haiti, Canada and Jamaica
And everyone born on any of the two American continents
are equal Americans from the day they were born
50 States make up the country of the US
And thus the name is United States of America
And not, America of the United States.

An undocumented Mexican in the U.S. is therefore only
illegal to the country of the U.S.
But Illegal American he cannot be.
Therefore it's the misinterpretation and mis-application of
the word American
That is designating such a person an 'illegal American' in
the U.S.
And not the actual geo-continental birthright status of that
human being

When a Zambian goes to Egypt he's still considered African
As a Chinese in Japan, is just as Asian as he'd been at birth
An Italian in France is still European
And international agreements require them to undergo no
legal identification process -other than proof of birth country
or stated or visible continental ancestral lineage
To have their: African, Asian or European status conferred
As is evident in designations like African American, European Americans, Asian Americans. Native Americans etc.
(Country to country designations can also be used sometimes)

The process of U.S. naturalization for one born in any country
on the two American continents -outside of the U.S.
Should never have been to become an American,
When American was their inalienable status from birth
(Unlike someone coming from a non-American continent
of the world) .
Rather, naturalization should only make immigrants to the
U.S. (from all parts of the world) become legitimate U.S.
If that is what they choose and seek.

Nonetheless, because of: unrealized, unchallenged and unquestioned, racist rollovers
A majority of legitimate Americans have had their inalienable American status questioned, ridiculed, denied and weaponized against them -decade after decade
By both political parties in the United States.

White Americans once claimed that only they were Americans
Denying even indigenous natives their legal birthright
And although such racist nonsense is no longer blatantly uttered
It was never officially, universally and academically debunked
Therefore, it continues to wreak havoc like a silent and secret computer virus does.

So dear Mr. President
Before your final bow from the White House
Please use your executive power to memorialize for future generations
The question of who is a legal and legitimate American
As opposed to who is illegal just to the U.S.
And thus 'trump' the misconceptions of the Donald and others
Who think that continental Americans -not born in the U.S.
Are less American, than the European creation of Apple Pie.

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: political,political utopia
Donald Trump and Illegal Americans
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