Bug Poem Poem by Stug Jordan

Bug Poem

Rating: 5.0

Life’s found me, atop your metal stairs
with sunset and a morphine silliness;
but the clocks cheat us, rushing age the raging
hours that for me, for you, seem stopped;
but still against the railing propped
I see in you a ME I never knew, so similar…
so Worlds apart,

but I’m willing to take the punishment
of minutes, of buses that tick past,
to be alive and locked fast
in a warm-legged daintily done Picasso.
And the eyes here have disowned their heads
and circle each other…

and if time really was a lover,
it would know when to stop each time
the eyes that shine between us see;
like when I kiss you, or like when you kiss me.

Chuck Audette 13 March 2008

Hey, I liked this a lot! I have a silly one a similar theme: Swatted - A Sad Tale of Interspecies Love But yours is a far more lovely and poetic offering.... -chuck

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Original Unknown Girl 13 August 2007

Oh Stug, this is divine, I love it.... how lucky this lady is to receive a poem written so finely... you will be printed my friend! I am sure of that.... HG: -) xx

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