Blue Collar Blues Poem by D.N. Rebb

Blue Collar Blues

Rating: 5.0

Blue collar blues
Only in love with you
Could I ever afford your dues?
If only I knew

Have you ever held a tool?
I can surely teach you
Come with me to this school
I can give you a good review

Would you take my hand?
Could you ever love me true?
Please make me understand
It's only your love I wanna pursue

Can you get used to the filth?
When I loyally return home
It's only you I want to be with
I have no reason to roam

My boots might be muddy
They've been busy all day
Try not to over-study
Please, just already stay

Blue collar blues
Only in love with you
Could I ever afford your dues?
If only I knew

a love song between a blue collar worker and an upscale lady
Jim McGill 27 September 2023

I had to put my reply in two parts because the the PoemHunter format does not allow more than 300 characters.

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Jim McGill 27 September 2023

When I got home not only were my boots muddy, but I stunk worse than a sewer. My lady welcomed me, pitied me and tried to power me up some what. I am still with her today. I seems to me that this is the ‘love' your poem is talking about.

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Jim McGill 27 September 2023

"My boots might be muddy // They've been busy all day'. This reminds me of years ago when I was riding home on my bicycle, a skunk ran under the crank of the bike. I wanted no art of this, but the skunk did not see it that way, He hit me with a full blast.

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Anil Kumar Panda 27 September 2023

So beautifully inked. Loved the concept and your unique style of expression. Thanks.

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