Black Velvet Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Black Velvet

'It was a full eclipse burning for the wild—
A fiery meltdown, in that poor, sordid child.
Beginning with a cult
Which brought her to her knees
Until she worshipped only death,
And begged for her release.'

Her religion was death
This child, painted the deepest of blues,
Her religion was heroin when she needed something new.

A religion defined by drugs
A bible penned by thugs
A church ran the same
A credo written by those deeply afflicted
In tremendous pain

A Mantra for all the sinners
A litany penned for Death's winners
Black Velvet, the little dark death
I suppose it happened when she believed
She had nothing left

It began with a novel religion which brought her to her knees.
An unusual religion that had her begging for her release.

A masked priest anointed her;
He crowned her 'Queen of Hearts'
The pope threw a ceremony
For her brand-new start

Rowing towards it—as she found them on their knees again,
They did the same; they attempted cheap appeasement.
But she saw the sham
And, begged for her release from them.
This cult trapped her
And, she swam in the disease of them.

Before her death, she screamed in a tone that
came out like vocal calligraphy:

'You've got me on my knees,
drenched in your secrecy!
I scream from this disease,
as the Heavens like to tease—
I crave the sacred peace
I crawl towards the deceased
Magic from the Sky's most frightening thieves.'

Until she landed in the hands of The Magnificent Release.

© copyright 2017-2024 Black Velvet

Black Velvet
Friday, August 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: deaths,prayer,heaven,religion,suicide
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