Basic Human Nature Poem by Luke Easter

Basic Human Nature

I have three very good Jewish friends,
Their names are Jerry, David and Jack,
I don’t dismiss since they believe not in Christ Jesus,
And they don’t disrespect me because I am black.

We still praise and honor God for He is the only Creator,
Whether worship is done early in the week or much later,
Understanding the need for our friendship to set a higher mark,
An example for others to follow as a lifelong work of art.

We met at a racquetball club yet different levels of the game,
Never being angry enough to call one out of his name,
Our friendship has grown over the years from a mutual respect,
It’s certainly not from the same race, religion or neglect.

Basic Human Nature is different from animal behavior,
Not just because there is a philosophical opinion of a Savior,
We don’t spray to protect territory we consider our own,
Nor do we purchase weapons and fight since we are grown.

We speak the same language so as friends we do talk,
Even though in the spiritual realm we pursue another walk,
Although the Sabbath is on the weekend just different days,
Everyone gathers in a place of worship where respect is paid.

Now here’s big the question, why does it have to stop there?
Once outside a church, synagogue or temple we no longer care?
My friends will forever be my friends no matter where we are,
Many times we’ve shared lunch or dinner going in the same car.

A few times over the course of several years mistakes were made,
And when correction is given it’s only presented to up the grade,
Whenever you are wrong and someone corrects with a right,
Say “thank you” instead of thinking they are trying to pick a fight.

Where does all this hate begin more importantly when will it end?
Is there a need to call Webster’s with a new definition of friend?
Twenty-five years ago we met now it’s just a small period of time,
Surroundings changed drastically, we’re still brothers in our mind.

I believe the world will end soon while they say it will carry on,
Whoever is right, in our faith we must continue to be strong,
War, murder, robbery, cheating are examples from the daily newspaper,
Please tell me what ever happened to friendly Basic Human Nature?

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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