As Introduction Gleams Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

As Introduction Gleams

Every knowledge has fashion
illustrating the front, the turn
the ideals; and in time, one may
come to learn of the wisdom in such
knowledge, allegedly; once processing
fundamentally, a profound suggestion's
trigger, of either violation or expectation
as, a pleasant smile and greeting, is only
what it seems, and not the truth within
an intention or fashion or compassion.
And yet, while comprehension is busy
processing, an images bounty or any
expectation's beauty, that underlie
of curiosity slowly turns to doubt
outing perceived perceptions of
the truth within wanting to be
set free, and accepted as just
that; a simplification of the
conversation within any
further conversations
that may arise, and
when this is made
as emphasis is
placed into
in esteem
of, an agreed
upon introspective
mute; as silence raves
the introduction gleams

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: conversation,curiosity,hello,knowledge,respect,silence
Dimitrios Galanis 05 April 2016

I find it difficult to follow the meaning with all these chasmodies[=split the meaning into two or more verses.

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Michael Walkerjohn 05 April 2016

Aloha Dimitrios... I do so appreciate the thoughts and guidance that you have expressed of my work... It is most difficult as the original prose is center justified... The best site to view these works in the original for is I have not figured out how to make this work in this forum... All I can suggest is that you first copy this to file, and center justify the text... then there may be less difficulty in following the intent of the work... IAM so sorry that these words are not as clear as they could be... IAM working on this problem as I can... I must admit this, IAM not a student of the correct form... being in a box is to constricting for my expressiveness... the abstract and the nouveau... the current last act of defiance, made against that system which has continually rejected my offerings... Please do know that my appreciation is... All of the best from this life, to you, and all of your relations... Michaelw1two

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