Arrogant Angel Poem by Ianne de Angel

Arrogant Angel

At the front of the window
I was waiting the charming prince
That guy everyone need to know
That guy who always wins...

Showed up an arrogant angel
We fought a lot
I wanted someone gentle
And I found someone who doesn't stop

He almost got caught by the dragon
But somehow he won
Showed up an huge lion
And we ran for a voyage very long

I fell in tears, couldn't control my frustration
He showed don't even care
My life showed be in disruption
I thought it was very unfair

At the end from the voyage
He cried, giving me an embrace
I asked what happenned
But he didn't want to get openned
I told him about how I've been frustrate
So, he showed lose his faith
I tried to find the reason
So, he finally made a question:
'Am I that bore?
Was I treating you so bad?
I'm so sorry for all this
I didn't mean to make you sad'

I said it doesn't matter that much
Then, My face he made a touch

'It matters to me, I love you
But I know you don't feel it too
I always protected you from evil
But in the end I've been more cruel
But I can't help
I always ask myself
But your smile make me laugh
You make me look back
Forgive me for it,
Forgive me for that
But is your touch
What put up the flue on my neck'

Now, my angel's protect
Doesn't make me that sad
He's the reason I smile
He's the one like a child
I can't see world with war
Because I know he's not far
He's my arrogant angel.

Ianne de Angel

Ianne de Angel

São Paulo, Brazil
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