Are You Perfectly Content To Be A Nobody? Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Are You Perfectly Content To Be A Nobody?

Rating: 5.0

Can you be a "nobody"?
Are you perfectly content
to be yourself as you are?

You fear no one.
You don't care a damn
about success of failure.

You don't jump up
when people praise you.
You don't feel defeated
when people talk ill of you.

Honor, disgrace,
they mean nothing to you.

Is it not a wonderful
mental state to be in? ?

Do we now understand
what is Serenity?

Are You Perfectly Content To Be A Nobody?
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: free mind,serenity
Norah Tunney 22 August 2017

Powerful poem about the meaning of true peace the peace beyond understanding I love this poem if we could all live with this healthy indifference and detachment how beautiful life could be This poem is about true freedom. Wonderful! ! Thank you Dr Anthony

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Hazel Durham 12 April 2016

Serenity is a inner peace of knowing and loving who we are as individuals, to grow as a loving and caring person is to reach the stars, not for fame or glory but for a life lived to the full by feeling love and giving love, like the sun shines in every season! Beautiful and insightful write!

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