Anger Management Poem by Dutch A3olo

Anger Management

Ten, nine..
Inside I feel a silent roar that's builds up more and more..
In my heart I contain this urge that is trying to emerge..
I feel it swell up in me, inside of me, I try to scream it away silently..
You keep talking and talking and I just want you to shut up..

Eight, seven..
Slowly it begins to shiver and shake, these hands that begin to ache..
Sweat and blood from these fist clenced so hard they are hard to be missed..
Sick of this anger in me, inside of me, trying to get out so violently..
You keep talking and talking and I just want you to shut up..

Six, five..
Biting my teeth so hard, holding back my tears any harder will make my teeth split apart..
My throat feels like I'm gonna choke, because I don't want to show these feelings you evoke..
My eyes are betraying me, inside of me, my eyes become watery..
You keep talking and talking and I just want you to shut up..

Four, three..
My blood is boiling and sizzling it just works sickening..
Control of this presure is hardly kept and it's not something to neglect..
It's digesting me, inside of me, I could stop it if I had a moment of privacy..
You keep talking and talking and I just want you to shut up..

Two, one..
My thoughts are distorted and my mind is unclear, all common sence seems to disappear..
I lossed all sense of good fortune and faith, I'm lost in something controlled by hate..
It's breaking me, inside of me, it makes me feel so terribly..
You keep talking and talking and I just want you to shut up..

My mouth breaks open and I ignite, I trow my hate at you with all my might..
I scream with body and soul, I tried but now it's to late for damage control..
I'm destroying you, breaking you for the things you put me through..
You stay silent and silent and I finally made you shut up!

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