An Odyssey Of Drudgery Poem by Saiom Shriver

An Odyssey Of Drudgery

For several years
he worked in a freezing pit
in an alignment shop. In
the middle of winter the
grease in the car above him
mixed with melting snow
which ran down his back.
The owner didn't think heat
was important for the employees.

In his next job, after a decade
as a genius mechanic who
gave hard work and fidelity,
he was approached by coworkers
and asked to form a union. Explosive
chemicals, forklift crushings were
frequent. For his altruistic attempt
to affiliate with a national union
he was summarily fired and
given 10 minutes to gather his
10 years of tools before
he was escorted off of the property
by police. 'Right to work'
states don't require an employer to
give a reason for capricious action
which sometimes destroys lives.
There is no accruing pension. There
are no health care, educational perks
or other benefits.

Next he worked in a factory
with corrosive chemicals which
have for years scarred his neck and face.
He has breathed in noxious fumes,
and labored in 115 degree heat
in summer months. To keep his
job he had to be on the job 7 days a week.
People who had heart attacks and died
on the job were removed from the
premises before a death certificate
was signed. One quarter of the temporary
work force was laid off.

In that job he was making $7.50 an hour.
Each Koch brother in the last 3 years increased his
wealth at $330,529.00 an hour,

He knows he is luckier than those in industries
with the highest turnover.

A UFCW union steward has said that most worker accidents occur in slaughterhouses.
Workers are kicked, bitten, and scratched in the head by terrified animals fighting for their lives unsuccessfully.
Contract ear problems from the screaming and shrieking of the animals,
Have problems with bones in relation to the cold storage rooms.
Cuts from the metal machinery, running into computer line knives.

Alcoholism and drug use from trying to deal with the animals' suffering they are constantly absorbing.
The reduction of OSHA staff and the use of illegal aliens to fill these jobs, some of the most unpopular in the industry, intrinsically means more accidents.
Electrocution from machinery near liquid secretions.
In slaughterhouses where pig flesh is scalded, there are frequent burns.
Open grease pits for blood, grease, feces, urine are traps for tired employees.
There is ligament tearing in the back, shoulders, and arms from the lifting of 100 lb. or several hundred lb. carcasses.
Carpal tunnel is a frequent complaint of meat cutters.
As a 1980's administration doubled the legal speed of the line, there is a consequent increase in accidents.
The deregulation of some slaughterhouses has meant less trained personnel.
In fish slaughter, there are also bites, scratches, hook accidents, fishing line accidents, drownings and other trauma.
Prevention of contracting the animals' diseases in contact with slaughterhouse fluids (blood, feces, urine, vomit) .
Slip and fracture themselves on blood, urine, vomit and feces soaked floors,
Lung problems from constant exposure to feather dust (A Japanese movie shown on Bravo is a tale of peach trees cut down as their spirits speak to children.) .

An Odyssey Of Drudgery
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: workshops
Koch Brothers wealth grew by 33 billion in 3 years.
http: //

http: //

The second part of the journal is from an article by writer originally posted at http: //
I welcome criticism
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