An Invincible Spirit Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

An Invincible Spirit

Like a tall peepal tree, he stands
Above thorny cactus bush,
Like the polar star, he sits
Among twinkles of little stars;
A giant mountain of wave, he is,
That sweeps unkempt thousand wavelets;
Like a rock, he rules a secular land
In the center of an oily desert
Where American rats and British cats
Have Arab slaves in tight leashes;
No Japanese might, no European threat
Touch his hair,
Soviet protests, the UNO's quests
In the black sea lost;
He, as firm as a rocky fort
That no CIA can ever breach,
Stood up in lonely mighty splendour
To the world's double moral standards.

He stood like a man in face of odds
In contempt of vested cunning mights
In show of inner strength
In stilled silence in face of world clamours;
Success or no success,
War or no war,
He defied self-assumed leadership
Of American arrogant military might
Over the weak and meek sovereigns
That went on knees on submission
To the rich nation's superior will.

In military strength or statesmanship,
He subdued the best;
In running the land or oil politics,
He stood up to the world;
A king of kings in Arab world,
Of lion's heart in camel's desert,
He showed to the world what pride is about.

While oil burns in Arab lands,
He sits on flames like unbroken confidence;
While the oily greed of mighty nations,
Built a wall of starvings around him,
He bore assaults like a warrior king;
No reprisals of haste, not an inch compromise,
A giant in might, a genius on own right,
He drove mighty lands to a hopeless strait
Of painful war or loss of credit.

Panama is a sovereign where aliens took its chief;
It is a sin as many more there to count,
Yet, why only one at a sinner's behest,
More of sin for the seize of the world?
How reasons are drugged in the east and the west
On the might's vile political will?

He bore the torch, all alone,
While big and small lined like lies
To dim his light and dull his might
In obeisance to the self-assumed world command;
He accepted new role
To challenge vested groups,
As an uncrowned mighty world leader.

Of steely resolve and rocky courage
As none the world has seen before,
Immoral in war, he is like all,
Yet, just in immoral to make a point to the world
Unlike weak and unjust wanton immorals,
Who vanquished smaller states and captured presidents
To test military strengths;
But, all shrink to nought before the giant invincible spirit.

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