An Ambiguity Poem by Sachidananda Panda

An Ambiguity

Few more minutes probably left
Before the day retires to rest
In a doleful slumber of the night
I was in a hurry to meet
A moment long cherished
As if to satiate the rough winds
Long-lost in the woods of memory
Unsettled, yet! Unruffled by time

I stood still counting every second
On my wrist watch, the second hand
Perhaps was over drunk
To cross the distance, stepping aside
Often like my eyeballs, unsteady enough
To look around, inspecting the arrival
Of the desired hour

The lone street dog had no job; Instead!
Watch around me from a safe distance
At times, pretending to ignore
My existence, in its den
Although I was awed by its peep
I tried to collect myself well within
To ignore the mess, to declare in haste
Don't worry! You are the boss, and the king

While negotiating an agreement
With my new friend,
It was time for a brisk chase
The wintry winds, clouds overhead
Like the peels of some seasonal oranges
Littered all over the streets, I reached the lane
Amid vehicular twist and turns, the lone hub

It was a moment of accomplishment
Sweet and dear, few tussles, few tears
Couple of silences, added to the essence
A pale look on the face answered all
The woes, hidden long behind the smiles
Before I depart, my moment simply asked
Need an answer; be honest to say!
Am I the victim, or the culprit?

@sachi-10th Jan-2021
All rights Reserved

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