Actions Are Louder Poem by Rununah S...

Actions Are Louder

Remember sometimes words don't matter to some.
Actions show and express better now a days.
Life is a test you want to pass.
Show the world you're strong!
Show them that tears don't describe you!
Show them Allah is with you twenty-four seven!
Don't let silence be the answer.
Let your hear out, let it
Speak what your mind speaks.
Let your tongue do the fighting not your hands.
Always remember you aren't alone.
Allah always sends good angels your way.
He doesn't let one fight alone.
He see's you struggling every day.
He see's the bullies coming your way.
He protects you.
Actions speak louder when
You're in fear somewhere in your life.
When you're in fear, read
Surat Al-Kursi.
Good angels will come by your side.
It keeps the bad devils away from you.
No one's perfect, but you always
Do what is best for you.
Go the right way.
Follow your footsteps to the right not left.
It may lead you the wrong future if you
Mess up just one time in your life.
Sometimes there isn't always a U-turn.
Don't fool yourself. Think before anything.
Let your mind speak before you're tongue.
Let the heart and mind combine together.

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