A Trip To Toza Poem by Emmanuel Joseph Olumakiss

A Trip To Toza

Rating: 5.0

The journey men embarked
and beckon to defeat
I've backed refusing sleep
Here you're mocked in the
street of laughter
When once your life is sick
Or refused a rapid growth
I've taken my trip to Toza
A region where strength is life
No excuse to God the world after
Here the weak are forced to strive
When hailing the goods of men
Remember some doers still unpaid
This an act my spirit embrace
Icing my life with pace
Why harbour a long time worries
In life brigade ….?
In thought I always migrate
Seeing the life most lived
Why eaten by self made grief
When it's your turn to liberate…?
Don't fail the time ahead…
So lets proceed
The life pinnacle
Where miracle is mind
In your thought you have to expand
Kindly take trip to Toza
To harvest a life now not after
For here we were born incomplete
No need fighting this war in our own end
Think to remain the years to come
We are known the street of Gad
Don't go brief the depth of life
Its a quest we're held to know
Rig me among the true Saint
Let the alarm blow
I am my own legend
In the league of men
Criers we will always be called
When living beneath the feet
Marked by our own turbulence
At the nick of night
Where we were weighed by wind
Willing to wave with our waned wings
Isn't that terrible to time…?
Hiding among men
In the days we ought to be seen
Our life spark clear
Thinking we are billed with joy
Telling the task we thought is omen
When rigged by our very own riddles.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: didactic
Loveday Sibling 01 September 2020

A trip to Toza is a poem to reckon with no doubt, the poet choice of words is promising.

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Yakubu Maryamu 01 September 2020

None ever come across great poems with moral lessons as such that won’t be pleased with the Poet.

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Ibrahim Hadiza 01 September 2020

A trip to Toza is one of EJo poem that keep me going each time i’m not in the right track of life.

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